About us

We help you do good, better

We know because we've been there

Backed by years of personal and professional experience in the nonprofit arena, we're on a mission to mobilize nonprofits to create more change in communities all over the world. We believe in hard-working folks that accelerate social progress and propel innovation. That's why we think it's time for the lack of available funding to stop getting in the way. Our mission is to help you move the world forward, one project at a time.

Founder's Note

Taking my experience running nonprofit organizations in the past, I started Initiavate to help first-time founders navigate the process.

– Alex Chen, Founder

Initiavate at a Glance


Average Growth




Managed Yearly

Our principles

We want to build something different, and not driven by profit. We're focused on helping you impact more communities.



As a team, we see transparency as a lifestyle of authenticity and honesty.



We believe in truth-telling. We don't give false promises and put clients first.



Each client deserves our utmost effort. We pride ourselves on going above and beyond.

Ready to Thrive?

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Email: [email protected]